In this article for the University of Chicago Stigler Center’s ProMarket, I describe the role of zero rating to promote competition and socially beneficial services. Most countries in the world use these programs to help people access healthcare, yet sadly in the EU, the practice is banned with an overinterpretation of net neutrality.
Observations of the FCC’s Attempt Regulate Broadband Providers as Common Carriers
In Fall 2023, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, “Safeguarding and Securing the Open Internet” (SSOI), to classify broadband as a common carrier service under…
Roslyn Layton Amicus Brief
Roslyn Layton performs empirical investigations of the impact of internet regulation on third party innovation. One investigation focused the impact of regulation on mobile networks in 53 countries from 2010-2017….
Articles from ProMarket at the University of Chicago Stigler Center
Here are my articles from ProMarket at the University of Chicago Stigler Center.
Zero Rating
Here are my collected articles and publication on zero rating, the practice of not charging certain data to mobile subscriptions. Academic papers with Bronwyn Howell as co author Academic papers…
Beyond the Pandemic?: Exploring the Impact of Covid-19 on Telecommunications and the Internet
Abstract from Chapter 9 “Net Neutrality in the USA During COVID-19” by Roslyn Layton and Mark Jamison from the book Beyond the Pandemic?: Exploring the Impact of Covid-19 on Telecommunications…
My academic research – Evidence-based policy research
Research is the systematic investigation into and study of questions to uncover facts and gather information. Policy research attempts to understand, assess, and compare how policies, regulations, and practices may…
Net Neutrality regulation is failing UK consumers, innovators, and investors. It’s time for broadband internet policy that improves consumer welfare, internet innovation, and network investment for the UK
Much is said and written about net neutrality (NN), but many claims are devoid of facts. European countries have had NN regulation for some years. European operators comply with the…
United Kingdom Ofcom Net Neutrality Consultation, January 13, 2023
Ofcom, United Kingdom, January 13, 2023 I applaud Ofcom for its efforts to collect evidence about whether its net neutrality regime is helping consumers and promoting innovation. I provide evidence…
When Net Neutrality Blocks End Users From Freely Learning Online
Oak National Academy in United Kingdom launched in the early weeks of the pandemic in response to sudden school closures. Millions of children were at home, and most schools were…
Who’s weighing in on broadband fair cost recovery? Fact checking the arguments from governments, trade associations, and think tanks
Reports and papers have emerged over the last year in the global debate for broadband fair cost recovery. Some reports, like that commissioned by the German government, reflect the need…
South Korea takes the next step in global broadband leadership with the Network Free Ride Prevention Act
Strand Consult has followed the development of South Korea for more than two decades. In the early 2000s Strand Consult demonstrated how South Korea, not Japan as many believed, made…
A global movement for broadband fair cost recovery is underway. John Strand talks with internet policy experts Roslyn Layton and Petrus Potgieter
Why do you have such a big interest in the way companies charge for traffic on the internet and what you call “fair cost recovery”? CEO John Strand talks with…