
I perform policy research on issues like broadband internet, internet economics, internet regulation, cost recovery, radio spectrum, telecom policy, mobile cellular wireless technologies, 5G, regulation, network security, digital business models, rural broadband, universal service, universal connectivity, net neutrality, technology software platforms, and antitrust and competition.

Different policy audiences have different requirements for policy research, for example peer-review academic journals, policymakers, and business professionals. I publish for each of these audiences per their requirements and in their preferred channels. I publish in the academic, policy, and business domains. I also publish commentary here on this website.

Spectrum Policy

Policymakers make critical decisions of how to allocate scarce resources of the radio spectrum with near unlimited uses and users. Spectrum policy ranks as the most important element of telecommunications….

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A Checklist for good regulation

Politics can help or hinder the development of evidence-based policy and regulation. Regulators are subject to tight timeframes and expectation to deliver “results”. As such, a policymaker may deliver the…

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Zero Rating

Here are my collected articles and publication on zero rating, the practice of not charging certain data to mobile subscriptions. Academic papers with Bronwyn Howell as co author Academic papers…

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